Sunday, April 18, 2010

Flikr In the Classroom

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been putting all my efforts into my prac. I am currently working with a Year 3 class and their focus topic of their Unit this term is Insects. I have found the use of ICTS within this topic is endless. Particularly Flikr where there are thousands of photos of insects in their database. This technology could also be used by students to create a photo journal of all the insects they have come across and leave a description about the particular insect. The topic I am covering at the moment is butterflies and dragonflies and I have found Flikr particularly useful in finding photos to show the students the diverse range of each species.

Another advantage of Flikr is that is user-friendly in the sense that you know that only legitimate images will be found within the website and will be safe for students to browse. Flikr's ability to work with other programs and technologies such as Piknik, Powerpoint and blogs makes it even more appealing to use.

Before using Flikr, I would just use Google Images to find pictures for presentations, learning experiences, etc, but now I use Flikr as I find it to be far more convenient.

The attached photo is of a dragonfly, which is one insect the students have become really interested in.

Please feel free to make any comments and stay tuned for more postings relating to other forms of technology used in the classroom.


Jon :)

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