Thursday, April 29, 2010

Views On Mahara

Hi all,

When I was first confronted with Mahara, I can honestly say that I was not looking forward to using it. It seemed to complex a system to use but like our trusty lecturer Scot Aldred said, if you devote at least week to getting to know the application then you would be fine and this is exactly how I am. For this particular course, Mahara is used as a portfolio tool for us as students and future teachers to display our wares. I think this is a great idea because as it is similar to a resume, you can store a lot more information on this e-portfolio rather than a printed resume the size of an encyclopaedia! And it saves you a lot on printing costs! From a perspective of using Mahara for student purposes, why not use it to exhibit students' progress over their schooling lives. This will reduce the risk of losing any important documents and everything you need to know about a particular student can be accessible all in the one place. This application could be used in conjunction with parents to keep an up-todate record of their child's progress. Another use could be for the submission of assignments where a teacher would once again be able to retrieve all the information they need from place and reduces the risk of losing assignments.

I definitely am looking forward to using Mahara for the final assessment piece to showcase my teaching abilities at this point of time in my studies and will be using this application for years to come.

Feel free to comment


Jon :)

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