Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Comments on Beyond School Blog

Hi all,

The one thing I noticed about this blog is that it has influenced people the world over. The blog itself covers a lot of topics but it was interesting to read about others thoughts on technology in the classroom and their strategies of how to use them in the classroom. This blog is evidence of blogs being used by teachers to post and discuss their thoughts amongst others in their associated field. This is an example of lifelong learning in the sense that teachers are uncovering new ideas for their classroom practices and learning something new themselves, just from reading this blog. Whilst blogs are a good way in helping students reach their learning goals, they can also help teachers in their own professional development. Having access to blogs allows teachers to meet others in their profession and discuss ideas without having to travel to seminars, meetings, etc.

I hope everyone gathered the same ideas as me from this blog and would be glad to hear any of your thoughts on this issue.


Jon :)

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