Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Using circuits when teaching about electricity

Hi all,

I am writing this post to view my thoughts on utilising circuits into a learning experience when teaching about electricity. From my own experiences on learning about electricity at school, I can vividly remember the teacher using the chalk and talk method to explain the concept of electricity. To be honest, this learning experience was very painful and did not give me any significant insight into what was electricity and how it worked. By using circuits to explain electricity, you are giving students a visual explanation on what electricity is and how it works. It also the students to have a hands-on approach throughout the learning experience making it a more student-centered environment. I have used this from of ICT in my own learning experiences teaching about electricity and have no doubt that is a better way to allow students to reach the learning outcomes set within this particular learning experience. I personally saw that students were receptive to the tasks involved in the learning experience and were able to absorb the content knowledge being presented. If this form of ICT was utilised back when I was first taught about electricity, I have no doubt that I would of had a better understanding of it. Feel free to post your comments on this issue.



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