Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Issues with technology

Hi all,

I am writing this post to reflect on something which I experienced whilst on prac. I am currently implementing some ICT learning experiences with my Year 3 class. In these particular LEPS, students are required to use Microsoft Paint and develop their own pictures of a ladybird in different stages of flight. When planning this learning experience, I took into account that their were many steps involved in these particular learning experiences. I covered this problem by using a projector to visually map out the steps involved in the tasks. However, one thing I didn't take into account that inserting a memory stick into the computer ad being able to open and save documents were particular skills in themselves, which needed to be focussed upon individually before getting onto the use of the Paint program. I didn't realise this problem until it was time to come and save the students' work, which really affected the flow of the lesson. As all good teachers, do I learnt from my mistakes and decided to reassess the flow of my learning experience to include individual lessons on how to open and save a document on a computer using a memory stick. By doing this hopefully it will help make my lessons flow a bit more easily and allow students more time on completing their tasks required.

Another problem I uncovered until it was too late, was that Apple Mac computers are stupid and are not totally the same as normal PCs. Once again, as a good teacher does, I learnt from my mistakes and approached the ICT guru at my particular school for a quick tutorial on how to correctly use the Mac Computers. Without the teacher having adequate knowledge on how to use a Mac computer, it would be extremely difficult for students to be able to do the same.

I am now into my third learning experience of this particular journey and feel that significant progress has been made not only by the students, but also myself. The lessons are extremely fluent and the students work is very impressive at this early stage.

Before I sign off, I would also like to mention the changes in students' attitudes when engaging in learning experiences utilising ICTs. On a personal note, I have noticed that many students get over-excited when using ICTs, especially if they get to use them infrequently. To combat this it is important that teachers explicitly outline the rules and regulations involved with using particular equipment and are also very stringent in the upholding of these rules. This must be done prior to the beginning of the learning experiences to ensure that students are aware of what is required of them in regards to rules and their obligations to completing the learning activities. This will also help ensure the lesson is free from disruption and can run smoothly.

Feel free to post any comments about your own experiences implementing a learning experience which utilises ICTS.


Jon :)

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