Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interactive Whiteboards In the Classroom

Hi all,

In short, Interactive Whiteboards are the equivalent to colour TVs. The shift from a black and white TV to a colour TV revolutionized the world and the same can be said of interactive whiteboards. I personally have never used or seen one be used firsthand, however all the feedback and comments I have heard from others is astounding. The video below details the array of uses attached to the interactive whiteboards.

Just by using an interactive whiteboard will enhance the receptiveness of students automatically. The fact that students can actively engage with this technology makes it even more of an advantage in the classroom. The interactive whiteboard takes learning to a new dimension and can be used across any KLA.

Hopefully one day, I will have a classroom equipped with an interactive whiteboard as they look like a heap of fun, not just for students but for the teachers as well.

I have heard that Parkhurst State School have done wonders with this technology and are the self-proclaimed gurus of the technology in this area. Some of the things that I have seen come out of this school with their Interactive whiteboards is unbelievable and is evidence that this technology should be made available to all students across the country.

Like I said I have never used this technology before, so would love to hear from anyone who has and would love to hear their thoughts on the matter :)



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