Sunday, March 28, 2010

Voki's In the classroom

Get a Voki now!

Hi all,

My name is Bullwinkle I am starting to become addicted to Voki's. In regards to using them in the classroom, I think they would be a very valuable resource. As part of designing the learning journey, we as learning managers must devise something to be the "HOOK" of the lesson and what better way than using a voki. Instead of having to stand up the front of the classroom and fight for your students attention whilst introducing a new and seemingly uninteresting topic, why not implement the use of a voki. They could be easily used as a form of instructional strategy in most activities and would more likely grab students' attention and have them more engaged in the topic.

They would also be useful in things such as webquests to help students' work their way through the learning journey of the webquest.

Another advantage of the voki, is that they will be beneficial to the learning of those students with severe reading difficulties. By using a voki for instructions rather than text, students with reading difficulties will more than likely better understand the requirements of the specific tasks and thus more than likely produce better learning outcomes.

Teaching students to develop their own vokis will also help increase their level of creativity which in turn would then be reflected back in their school work.

Once I become a registered teacher and even when on prac this year, I will definitely be implementing vokis into my learning experiences as I am certain they will engage students in their learning journey and also have them enjoy it at the same time. Of course, it is important not to overly use this piece of technology as the novelty will then wear off on students and its purpose will soon be no more. Feel free to post any comments.


Jon :)

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