Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Integrating DoL and the 8 LMQ's

Hi everyone,

I think the diagram above suggests how well the 8 LMQ's and DoL integrate together in regards to building/designing a learning experience.

During the profiling stage, the research provided by Marzano and Pickering (1995) in their Dol Manual provides teachers with a framework to help gain positive attitudes and perceptions from their students about the classwork and classroom environment. Dimension 5 in their DoL manual provides teachers with proven methods to teach and develop positive and productive Habits Of Mind from the students.

By having such a well developed structure to follow when designing learning experiences, the Learning Manager should feel confident that all students will be able to meet the learning outcomes required from the learning experience. Adding to that, the lesson should should also be enjoyable and engaging at the same time.

In summary, I think the advent of the research done my Marzano and Pickering and Co. has really helped make teaching and learning more effective in the classroom. From a personal point of view, these frameworks have really helped me design my learning experiences and think that without them, I would have no idea how to design an effective lesson plan.

In a nutshell, if a person has the desire to teach and loves it as a profession, then the 8 LMQ's and DoL Manual are the "How to" guides to teaching and really make it a lot more easier and thus a more enjoyable job.

Feel free to comment.


Jon :)

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