Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blogs In the Classroom

Hi all,

Like vokis/avatars, I think blogs will also be a useful learning tool!!! There are so many ways to implement blogs into the classroom, it would take me all day to type in the examples I can think of!!!!!!!!!!! I did find this video on youtube that will give you some insight into how to implement blogs in the classroom.

I also came across a of couple blogs belonging to students at Orange Grove Primary School. These blogs also are examples of how blogs can be used in the classroom.

Students involved with this blog have also gone onto create their own blog's for their classmates and family to follow.

The Albert the Bear blog was setup to encourage students to practice their creative writing skills and from reading the postings on the blog by the students this seems to have had the desired effect as many students have inputted on the blog.

I subscribed to these blogs as I thought it would give me ever-growing insights into how this school devises uses for the blog in their learning experiences. I have added the url's of these two blogs below in case anyone else would like to follow them. I hope that this posting has been helpful to anyone who reads it and I am looking forward to any comments that may come forward.

Orange Grove Primary School Blog -
Albert the Bear Blog -


Jon :)

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