Sunday, March 21, 2010

RSS Feed....Still no idea????????????????????

Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I can't seem to get a grip on the whole RSS feed deal. I can't seem to attach my blog to my Mahara ePortfolio, even after following the instructions posted by another classmate on Moodle. Next port of call will be Scot, for I think the only way I can get Assessment Task 2 up and running is to get him to run it through to me personally. Maybe I am a visual learner after all :)

Hopefully, this time tomorrow night I will be getting stuck into the second assessment task. Will keep you posted :)


  1. Hi Jon, did you try putting .atom.xml at the end of your url in the external feed box in mahara? did you see this link that Scot replied to me with.
    having said that, I am still having problems getting mine to update. Regards, Carolyne

  2. Cheers Carolyne....I will give that a try now. Currently in the tutorial with Scot now, so will give it a try and if it doesn't work I will get him to try and fix it. Will keep you updated.


    Jon :)
