Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Types of technology that can be used in the classroom

During my time in the BLM, I was brought to the attention of Webquests. Webquests are designed as a form of inquiry-based learning and from I have seen and heard, they are very effective as a learning tool. Usually used in SOSE the webquest is designed to have students solve a real-life problem by working through a certain Inquiry Model Approach such as TELSTAR. By working through the Inquiry Model and viewing the links attached throughout the webquest, students learn by progressing through each segment of the webquest and as a final product are able to solve the real-life problem and relate it back to their own life experiences.

Not sure if my description is quite correct or even clear but I thought it might be a good idea to mention the types of technologies that I have come across in the school setting. Besides it's been a while since I have attempted a webquest and my mind is currently focused on my blog and e-portfolio, so my recollections of the wenbquest are going to be a little fuzzy.

I have attached a link to a webquest dedicated to water conservation which can be found at the following link -

Unfortunately, it does cost to sign up to the webquest site, however once we become teachers we can claim the subscription on tax :)

Feel free to have a look at what I have posted and hope you all find it as interesting as I did. The website for the website is as follows, along with their blog url if anyone wishes to follow it.

Blog url -
Web address -


Jon :)

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