Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finally figured it all out.....I think ;)

Hi all,

I finally figured out how to link my blog to Mahara. Like I said in an earlier post, apparently my url was invalid. To fix this, I copied the error message displayed in Mahara and pasted it into Google and did a search. I then found a website called Feed Validator where I had to type my url in to test whether it was valid or not. For some reason or other it fixed the problem with my url and allowed me to link my blog to Mahara. Anyway, hopefully I have done this all right but feel free to let me know if I haven't. Just need to see if my blog updates on Mahara after I publish this post.

I hope this helps anyone who is also having this problem, but like I said I'm not sure if it is right so don't trust my judgment just yet ;)



P.S. the web address for the feed validator website is as follows: -

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